
What is Rolled Oat?

Product Description for Rolled Oat, 500g
Rolled Oat, 500g

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Finland´s Organic Oats has become one of the top 10 healthiest foods in the world. The extra big natural rolled oats has been specially selected by Finland´s Organic Oats, strictly free from artificial coloring and preservative. It is 100% pure organic food, and is very essential for the healthiness of you and your family. It is well known as “The New Aristocracy of The Health Food”. Finland´s Organic Oats have special features that rarely known by people as below:

 Improves Immune System
There are several researches claimed that Beta Glucan in oat boosts the defences of the immune system against the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Minerva Medica, June 2009; 100(3):237-45

 Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Eating oats can spread the rise in blood sugars over a longer time period. Control of blood glucose and improve insulin sensitivity is essential in preventing many of the complications associated with Diabetes.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2007; 61(6):786-95
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, February 2008; 116(2):132-4

 Oat May Lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
Oat is full of Beta Glucan, a soluble fibre which has proven effective in lowering down the bad cholesterol (LDL) level without having any effect on good cholesterol (HDL) level.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, August 2002; 76(2):351-8

 Helps Control Blood Pressure
Eating a diet high in fiber and whole grains helps your body maintain a healthy blood pressure. Oat satisfies both of those dietary requirements. Eating oat can reduce both your systolic and diastolic pressure. A blood pressure reading yields two numbers, such as 120/80. The first number is your systolic pressure; the second number is your diastolic pressure. The researchers noted that eating oat can reduce systolic pressure by as much as 7.5mm Hg and diastolic pressure by 5.5 mm Hg.
Journal of Family Practice, April 2002; 51(4):369

Help Cut The Use of Laxatives
Laxative use, especially among the elderly in nursing homes, can lead to malnutrition and unwanted weight loss. The researchers noted that oat may help to cut the use of laxative as oat has high fiber content. Fiber is necessary in keeping bowel movements regular. Oats are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. It is spongy and absorbs many times its own weight of liquid. It makes stools heavier and speeds their passage through the gut, relieving constipation.
Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging, February 2009; 13(2):136-9

Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Oat May Increases Appetite-Control Hormones
There was a study claimed that people who eat oats in their meals have more appetite control hormones released in their body. So there is a perfect control on your appetite. For those who want to control the weight, oat may be a good choice to consume.
Nutrition Research, October 2009; 29(10):705-9

Specific Practices:
1/2 cup of oats, 1/2 cup of luke warm water + 1/4 of honey, stir well with food stirrer, after cooling apply to the face, wash off with clean water after 10 minutes.

Sale price: RM10.90 per pack, exclude delivery cost
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