
What is Gabro Org Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Product Description for Gabro Org Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 250ml
Gabro Org Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 250mlCountry of Origin : Italy

Nutritional Benefits :

Made with premium quality Italians olive
Produced with system of cold pressing, a chemical-free process using only pressure to produce a higher quality of olive oil (maintain the flavour, nutritional value and colour of the oil)
High in monounsaturated fat (Omega 9)
Soft and fine to the palate, it is ideal as dressing or for light cooking

The health benefits of olive oil are extensive with new positive attributes discovered all the time. One prominent cardiologist recommends at least two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil each day to enjoy the many ways olive oil can be beneficial to your health and well being.

In addition to bolstering the immune system and helping to protect against viruses, olive oil has also been found to be effective in fighting against diseases such as:

Cancer: The phytonutrient in olive oil, oleocanthal, mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing inflammation, which can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Squalene and lignans are among the other olive oil components being studied for their possible effects on cancer.

Heart Disease: Olive oil helps lower levels of blood cholesterol leading to heart disease.

Oxidative Stress: Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E, long thought to minimize cancer risk. Among plant oils, olive oil is the highest in monounsaturated fat, which doesn’t oxidize in the body, and it’s low in polyunsaturated fat, the kind that does oxidize.

Blood Pressure: Recent studies indicate that regular consumption of olive oil can help decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Diabetes: It has been demonstrated that a diet that is rich in olive oil, low in saturated fats, moderately rich in carbohydrates and soluble fiber from fruit, vegetables, pulses and grains is the most effective approach for diabetics. It helps lower “bad” low-density lipoproteins while improving blood sugar control and enhances insulin sensitivity.

Obesity: Although high in calories, olive oil has shown to help reduce levels of obesity.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Although the reasons are still not fully clear, recent studies have proved that people with diets containing high levels of olive oil are less likely to develop rheumatiod arthritis.

Osteoporosis: A high consumption of olive oil appears to improve bone mineralization and calcification. It helps calcium absorption and so plays an important role in aiding sufferers and in preventing the onset of Osteoporosis.

Olive Oil Might Help Prevent Strokes
According to a new study from France, older individuals who consume olive oil daily may be able to protect themselves from a stroke. The study which is part of the Three-City Study, an ongoing multicenter study of vascular risk factors for dementia, was published in the online issue of Neurology.

Researchers gathered information from the medical records of 7,625 individuals over the age of 65 from three cities in France: Bordeaux, Dijon and Montpellier. None of the participants had a history of stroke. They then categorized the individuals into three groups based on their olive oil consumption. The researchers noted that the participants used mostly extra virgin olive oil, as that is what is usually available in France.

After 5 years there were 148 strokes. The results showed that the “intensive” users of olive oil, those that used for both cooking and dressings had a 41 percent lower risk of stroke compared to those that did not use olive oil at all. These results were noted even after considering weight, diet, physical activity and other risk factors. Read more…

Olive Oil Diet Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Traditionally a low fat diet has been prescribed to prevent various diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. While studies have shown that high fat diets may increase the risk of certain diseases such as cancer and diabetes, it appears that it is the type of fat that counts rather than the amount of fat. We now know that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats such as the ones found in olive oil, nuts and seeds actually protects from many of these chronic diseases.

A recent Spanish study published in the scientific journal Diabetes Care showed that a Mediterranean style diet rich in olive oil reduces the risk of type II diabetes by almost 50 percent compared to a low fat diet. Type II diabetes is the most common and preventable form of diabetes. Read more…

Olive Oil Keeps the Heart Young
A diet rich in olive oil may be able to slow down the aging of the heart. It is a known fact that as we grow older the heart also goes through a normal aging process. The arteries may not function as well as they did and this can lead to a number of health problems. However, in a recent study, Spanish researchers discovered that a diet rich in olive oil or other monounsaturated fats could improve the arterial function of elderly individuals.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, compared the effect of a Mediterranean style diet rich in olive oil with that of a low fat high carbohydrate diet and a diet rich in saturated fats and concluded that the diet rich in olive oil resulted in the reduction of endothelial damage and dysfunction. Read more…

Olive Oil Fights Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass, which in turn causes the architecture of bone tissue to become fragile. This can then increase the possibly of fractures, making even the slightest of knocks potentially fatal for sufferers.

The disease is recognized as being particularly prevalent among postmenopausal women for whom a decrease in the production of estrogen then weakens bone structures and most commonly affects the ribs, wrists, and hips. For this study, scientists were particularly interested in how a supplementation of olive oil could be used to help women in this category.

Tests were carried out on rats showing comparable conditions to female human menopause, with one group being treated orally with olive oil. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected and tested for levels of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), malondialdehyde (MDA), and nitrates.

The results found that that rats not treated with olive oil showed a significant decrease in calcium levels and a significant increase in plasma ALP, MDA, and nitrates levels.

Olive oil supplementation proved to be beneficial and was found to both attenuate these changes and to positively affect the thickness of bones. Read more…

Olive Oil May Protect from Depression
It is common knowledge that olive oil and the Mediterranean diet confer a multitude of health benefits. But what about emotional health benefits? According to Spanish researchers from the University of Navarra and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a diet rich in olive oil can protect from mental illness.

The study included 12,059 volunteers who were part of the SUN Project, a prospective study among Spanish university alumni, aimed to identify the dietary determinants of stroke, coronary disease and other disorders. The researchers followed these volunteers for over 6 years and gathered data on lifestyle factors such as diet as well as medical history. At the beginning of the study none of the volunteers suffered from depression, and by the end of the study, 657 new cases were detected.

The data revealed that volunteers that had a high intake of trans fats, a hydrogenated fat found mainly in processed foods, had up to 48 percent increased risk of depression compared to volunteers who did not consume these fats . In addition, the researchers discovered that a higher intake of olive oil and polyunsaturated fats found in fatty fish and vegetable oils was associated with a lower risk of depression. According to the researchers these findings suggest that cardiovascular disease and depression may share some common mechanisms related to diet. Read more…

Olive Oil Found to Help Prevent Skin Cancer
A study conducted by Dr. Niva Shapira from Tel Aviv University in Israel and Bob Kuklinski of Rockstock University in Germany found that olive oil, along with other components of a Mediterranean diet, may contribute to the prevention of malignant melanoma. Malignant melanoma, which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer, may be slowed down by consumption of olive oil, which is rich in antioxidants.

The research showed that the body develops a resistance to the damaging rays of the sun due to carotenoids. Carotenoids are the color pigments found in fruits and vegetables such as watermelons, tomatoes, pumpkins and carrots. Olive oil has also been found to protect the skin against the damaging effects of UV rays. Read more…

The Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome
The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been cited in numerous studies, and now with a new large study confirming that it protects from metabolic syndrome we have yet another reason to adopt this style of eating.

Dr. Antonis Pothoulakis, an interventional cardiologist at the Iasis Clinic in Chania, Crete told Olive Oil Times that the metabolic syndrome is a combination of abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, and high blood sugar. “Metabolic syndrome is connected to the obesity epidemic of our time, a big belly poisons our metabolism and a poisoned metabolism can result in type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, or sudden death,” he said.

The new study included data from almost 535,000 people, with the conclusion that a Mediterranean style diet, which includes consumption of monounsaturated fats mainly in the form of olive oil, daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and low-fat dairy products, weekly consumption of fish, poultry, legumes, and a relatively low consumption of red meat, may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. Read more…

Explaining Why Virgin Olive Oil Protects Against Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Western countries. Research carried out with animal models demonstrate that a diet rich in fats is directly related to the incidence of cancer. Some types of fats however can play a protective role against the development of these tumors. Such is the case of virgin olive oil, rich in oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid, and containing several bioactive compounds such as antioxidants. A moderate and regular intake of virgin olive oil, characteristic of the Mediterranean diet, is associated with low incidences of specific types of cancer, including breast cancer, as well as with having a protective role against coronary diseases and other health problems.

Sale price: RM24.90 per bottle,exclude delivery cost
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What is NQ Nat Grapeseed Oil?

NQ Nat Grapeseed Oil - 1LProduct Description for NQ Nat Grapeseed Oil - 1L

Country of Origin : Italy

Grapeseed oil has the lowest levels of saturated fat of any vegetable oil and is ideal for cooking at high temperature. Antioxidants known as Procyandanians are extracted from grapeseeds and these have benefited people with vascular diseased.

Nutritional Benefits :
High in polyunsaturated fats (Omega 6)
Low in saturated fat
Rich in antioxidant which helps in anti-aging, prevent from cancer and heart disease
It is ideal for cooking at high temperature like frying and stir-frying
The grape seed oil is made by cold-pressing the grape seeds. It has been extensively used around the world. It contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and antioxidants. Grape seed oil contains high quantities of Vitamin E and F and also minerals like zinc potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium. But most of all grape seed oil is rich in proanthocyanidins (OPC) a compound that is high in antioxidants which are 50 times more effective than Vitamin E and 20 times stronger than Vitamin C. Antioxidants are found in grape skins and seeds and are more concentrated in red and black grapes. 

Even though grapes are cultivated for thousands of years, grape seed oil was not produced or used on a large scale until the 20th century because of the difficult technology necessary for obtaining it and also because grape seeds contain a lower percentage of oil as compared to other oil-producing seeds, nuts, or beans.

Grape seed oil benefits in cosmetics
In terms of cosmetics grapes seed oil is often used as a moisturizer for its ability to nourish the skin and keep it smooth. Due to its lightness, it is easily absorbed by the skin. Grape seed oil is found in many cosmetic products such as hand creams, body creams, lip balm, and lotions. It is suitable for all skin types, it's regenerative properties moisturize the skin and help maintain the elasticity of the skin. It is increasingly used as massage oil. It provides a great relief to the tired and aching body. It is also useful in the preparation of hair care products.

Grape seed oil benefits in health
It has many other benefits and can help relieve varicose veins and spider veins, prevent cancer, dental cavities and diminish premenstrual syndrome. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cancerous and anti-microbial activity. Studies have demonstrated that the anti-oxidants contained in the grape seed extract are 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times greater than vitamin E. It can be used for treating acne and dermatitis, sun burns, age spots, diabetes, high-blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, cataracts and macular degenerations, wrinkles and stretch marks. Besides, grape seed oil has antiseptic properties and is good for the skin around the eyes. Hard to believe that for centuries it was considered a waste product.

Grape seed oil benefits in cooking
It is very appreciated by many chefs for retaining the original flavor of foods and for its versatility. It is able to handle high-temperatures without smoking, burning or splattering. As it has a smoke point (around 420 F) higher than other oils , such as olive, corn or sesame, grape seed oil can be safely used for deep frying and baking. Not only this, but it is also delicious, with a light nutty flavor lacking the heaviness of other oils. 

The recommended daily amount for grape seed oil is 25-45 g per day, around 2-4 tablespoons per day. Grape seed oil is an excellent ingredient in salad dressings, marinades and homemade mayonnaise.

It is cholesterol free and helps lower the bad cholesterol and raise the good one. Grape seed oil is health-conscious, especially if you buy one that is free of solvents and preservatives (such as TBHQ and BHT). The cold-pressed organic oil retains most of the natural beneficial ingredients compared to the chemically pressed oils. It is also extremely durable because it contains fatty acids and antioxidants which prevent the potentially breakdown products from excessive frying of foods to form.

Sale price: RM27.00 per bottle,exclude delivery cost
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What is Solana Gold Org Apple Cider Vinegar?

Solana Gold Org Apple Cider Vinegar - 975mlProduct Description for Solana Gold Org Apple Cider Vinegar - 975ml

Raw - Unfiltered
With the Veil of the Mother
Aged for 3-years
Exceptionally smooth
Contains no preservatives
From 100% organic apples

The natural occurrence of amino acids and enzymes creates strand-like chains of connected protein molecules which are referred to as The Veil of the Mother.

Solana Gold's Apple Cider Vinegar maintains The Veil of the Mother and combines the natural goodness of apples with the amino acids and enzymes which are naturally created in the fermentation process.

Pasteurization removes delicate nutrients and enzymes that may constitute a major portion of the nutritional value of a particular food. Solana Gold's raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, unlike juices or ciders, contains no sugars which would be a growth medium for potentially harmful bacteria such as E-COLI. In addition to this, the high acidic nature of Apple Cider Vinegar assures that none of these bacteria could exist or propagate.

Sale price: RM18.90 per bottle,exclude delivery cost
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What is 100% Natural White Sesame Oil?

Product Description for 100% Natural White Sesame Oil, 240g
100% Natural White Sesame Oil, 240g


The white seeds are extremely rich in calcium and are useful in all cases of calcium deficiency.

Sesame Oil Contains the following:

Vitamin E

Sesame oil is high in vitamin E, containing 75 percent of the recommended daily allowance in 1 oz. It also contains sesaminol and sesamin, which help increase vitamin E activity within the body. Vitamin E helps reduce the risk of heart disease and may protect the body from cancer. 

B-Complex Vitamins

Sesame oil is high in multiple forms of B-complex vitamins, which promote healthy development of several different systems in the body. B vitamins contained in sesame oil include thiamin and riboflavin (B1 and B2--for overall energy level), niacin (B3--for skin, nerve and digestive (health ), pantothetic acid (B5--for overall growth and development), pyroxide (B6--for nerve blood and immune system health) and folic acid (B9--for DNA and red blood cell health). 

Proteins and Fats

Sesame oil is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats are high in omega-6, which can help prevent and treat multiple diseases. It is also high in amino acids, which build up proteins.


Sesame oil is also high in minerals. It contains the elements of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium and zinc. These help strengthen muscular and skeletal development. The oil extracted from sesame seeds is of very high medicinal quality. Charak, the great medical authority of ancient India, has said that of all the oils, the sesame-oil is the best. It has the finest flavor and a high boiling point. This latter quality is important from the health point of view, for it indicates that less molecular restructuring takes place in sesame oil than any other seed oil. 

Sesame Seed Oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years. Sesame oil is mentioned in the Vedas as excellent for humans as there are many sesame oil benefits. It is naturally Antibacterial for common skin pathogens, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete’s foot fungus. It is naturally antiviral. It is a natural anti inflammatory agent. The benefits of sesame seed oil seem to go on and on. 

Sesame seed oil has been used extensively in India due to the many sesame oil benefits as a healing oil, including in experiments which showed it was useful in unblocking arteries. In recent experiments in Holland by Ayurvedic physicians, the oil has been used in the treatment of several chronic disease processes, including Hepatitis, Diabetes and Migraines. 

Sale price: RM19.90 per bottle,exclude delivery cost
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What is Health Paradise Natural Brewer Yeast?

Product Description for Health Paradise Natural Brewer Yeast,100g
Health Paradise Natural Brewer Yeast,100g

Brewers' yeast has been used traditionally for centuries for the purpose of brewing beer and some winemaking. But although the product has been used for centuries, many are not aware of the remarkable health benefits imparted by brewers' yeast, which have earned it the suitable moniker of 'nature's wonder food',

Many people in the health community or those seeking a healthier diet with an abundance of nutritional element are turning to brewers' yeast as a daily addition. Because it is also low in fat, sodium, calories, and carbohydrates, it is also beneficial for those with diabetes and hypoglycemics.

Brewers' yeast is a natural source of Vitamin B complex and highly concentrated amounts of protein, as well as a wonderful spectrum of other healthy vitamins and minerals.

Brewers' yeast is usually recovered as a by-product of the brewing process, absorbing the chemicals, vitamins and nutrients from the other ingredients utilized in brewing beer, mainly grain, malt and hops. The resulting product, though quite healthy, is usually quite bitter. Many brands of brewers' yeast are labeled as debittered, but this process, which makes the yeast more flavorful, can also serve to remove some of the nutritional content.

A high nucleic acid count, a valuable commodity in regards to cell development, is present in brewers' yeast, as well as ample amounts of folic acid, potassium, thiamin, niacin, chromium (needed for the body to produce insulin), and much more.

The simplest way to add brewers' yeast to your daily diet is to add a tablespoon to fruit juice and drink it, but it can also be added to meals such as meat loaf, salads, casseroles, cereal, soup, and other foods. If possible, add the yeast at the end of the cooking process, or the vitamin B complex will be destroyed.

Consumption of brewers' yeast is also attributed to several health benefits, such as reduced stress, better metabolism and lower cholesterol. It can also help provide restful slumber and ease fatigue.

Brewers yeast can usually be found in health food and nutrition stores in both pure form and debittered, though remember, the debittered yeast will not have all the valuable vitamins and nutrients of pure brewers' yeast, and will most likely be absent of chromium. Brewer’s Yeast Benefits Ads by Google If you want to learn more about health benefits of brewer’s yeast, you’re in the right place. But before we talk about health benefits, what is brewer’s yeast in the first place? Brewer’s yeast is made from fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is used to make beer and nutritional supplements. It’s a very rich source of nutrients including minerals such as chromium and vitamins such as B vitamins. Moreover, even though it’s low in calories, it contains a lot of protein – the most important building block of the body. Brewer’s yeast is a popular supplement. Why is that so? Keep reading to find out the answer… Nutritional value of brewer’s yeast is the most important reason why so many people take in on a daily basis as a supplement. How does it work specifically? Here are the most important benefits of brewer’s yeast. 1. Benefits of B vitamins If you are constantly tired, your diet might be lacking in B vitamins which are responsible for the production of energy. Brewer’s yeast is rich in B vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin) and B9 (folic acid). Contrary to what some people believe, brewer’s yeast doesn’t contain vitamin B12 so if you’re a vegan, taking brewer’s yeast is NOT a good idea if you want to supplement vitamin B12 (unless you take vitamin B12 enriched brewer’s yeast). Back to B vitamins – B vitamins are not only responsible for the production of energy (so lack of them may result in fatigue). They are also necessary to maintain healthy skin and hair, enhance immune function and promote cell growth and division. Keep in mind that most people who eat healthy get enough B vitamins in their diets. Brewer’s yeast is particularly beneficial for people who need more B vitamins and/or can’t get enough B vitamins from their diet such as the elderly, athletes, pregnant women and vegans. 2. Beneficial for diabetes Chromium found in brewer’s yeast may help people with diabetes to control blood sugar levels. Chromium lowers blood sugar levels and improves glucose tolerance. Taking brewer’s yeast if you don’t have diabetes is also beneficial because it lowers the risk of developing this dangerous condition. A study published in the “Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology” shows that patients with type 2 diabetes who were taking daily doses of 9 g of brewer’s yeast with chromium observed lowered blood glucose levels and reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Patients who were taking brewer’s yeast without chromium didn’t observe these effects. Remember to buy brewer’s yeast with chromium (it’s sometimes sold without chromium which is removed during debittering)! 3. Helps improve cholesterol levels High levels of cholesterol have been linked to damage to arteries and cardiovascular disease. That’s why it’s so important to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range. As mentioned before, taking brewer’s yeast (and more specifically chromium found in it) may help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels (the “bad” cholesterol). Some studies also show that brewer’s yeast may improve HDL cholesterol levels. 4. May indirectly facilitate weight loss Weight loss doesn’t happen when you take a pill. However, when you’re on a diet, it’s harder to get all essential nutrients from your diet. That’s when taking supplements may be a particularly good idea, especially when you feel sluggish and tired (it’s harder to exercise if you suffer from lack of B vitamins). And again – don’t believe people who say that taking brewer’s yeast will make you lose weight. It won’t happen. It may only AID in weight loss IF you’re already on a diet. 5. Improved skin health Since brewer’s yeast is rich in B vitamins, it may improve your skin health (if you don’t get enough B vitamins from your diet). Moreover, at least one study suggests that taking brewer’s yeast may improve acne. 6. It’s rich in protein An ounce of brewer’s yeast contains approximately 10 to 15 grams of protein. Protein is a building block of the body extremely important for numerous functions in the body. If you’re a bodybuilder or an athlete, you have higher protein requirements. Taking brewer’s yeast will help you get enough protein from your diet. 7. It contains high amounts of other essential minerals Brewer’s yeast is rich in selenium, copper and potassium, all of which are essential for our bodies and all of which are antioxidants which protect your body against free radicals and lower the risk of developing numerous dangerous health conditions such as heart disease or some types of cancer. An ounce of brewer’s yeast provides about 85% of recommended daily intake of selenium, 47% of recommended daily intake of copper and 17% of recommended daily intake of potassium.

Sale price: RM16.90 per package,exclude delivery cost
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What is Health Paradise 8 Treasure w Nutritional Yeast, Almond, Flaxseed?

Product Description for Health Paradise 8 Treasure w Nutritional Yeast, Almond, Flaxseed,150g

Health Paradise 8 Treasure w Nutritional Yeast, Almond, Flaxseed,150g

Health Paradise 8 Treasure w Nutritional Yeast, Almond, Flaxseed,150g

Sale price: RM11.90 per tin,exclude delivery cost
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What is Biogreen O' Young Natural Collagen Drink?

Biogreen O' Young Natural Collagen Drink - 400GProduct Description for Biogreen O' Young Natural Collagen Drink - 400G

Product Description
O’ Young collagen drinks is made up of organic and natural ingredients, processed by organic fermentation method which greatly enhances the nutrition to replenish and nourishes skin complexion for visibly younger-looking skin.
Linden Leaf Powder, Organic Oat*, Organic Spirulina (Certified Organic by USDA and ECOCERT), Organic Soy Protein*, Black Bean Powder, Alfafa Powder, Spinach Powder, Cabbage Powder, Soy Lecithin (NON-GMO),  Brown Rice, Flax Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Black Sesame, Broccoli, Carrot, Burdock Root, Walnut, Shiitake Mushroom, Psyllium Husk, Dioscoreae Rhizoma (*Certified Organic by USDA and OTCO)
Strengthen skin base and improve moisture and cell rejuvenation. Accelerate skin's metabolism and elasticity. Firm up skin and prevent saggy skin. Delay ageing. Brighten dull skin complexion. Promote healthy grow of hairs and nails. Improve internal organ health, from inner shine to outer bright.
Recommended For
Those with low skin metabolism
Stressed individuals, those who sleep late and people with unhealthy diets
Those who suffer from sagging skin, dry skin, dull complexion and other aging skin problems
Those who work in air-conditioned rooms
Post-delivery and lactating mothers
Suggested Serving
30g (2 heap tablespoons) to be mixed with 200mL water (do not use hot water)
Storage Condition
Please keep in cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.
Best Before
Products received are at least 10 months from expiry date due to the absence of artificial preservatives. 

Sale price: RM98.00 per tin,exclude delivery cost
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What is Biogreen Organic Green Balance?

Product Description for Biogreen Organic Green Balance - 200G (HALAL)

Product Description

Biogreen Organic Green Balance - 200G (HALAL)
Wheatgrass is said to be the nature’s finest medicine and is fast becoming one of the most widely used supplemental health foods. With the combination benefits of organic barley grass, Biogreen Green Balance contains 120 types of nutrients and a variety of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, active enzymes and antioxidant to benefits its consumer.


Organic Barley Grass*, Organic Wheatgrass*
(*Certified Organic by Bio-Gro New Zealand which the plantation, processing and exporting in accordance with the requirement of the Bio-Gro Organic Standards)


All the ingredients are organic and specifically adapted to the child's needs from 12 months old. The natural occurrence of chlorophyll helps to increase blood count and purify blood. The active enzymes aid digestion, detoxification and enhance immunity system. “Abscisic acids” helps in preventing cancer and reduce tumour size. High in antioxidant help to reduce high blood pressure (patients who is low blood pressure have to be careful to use) and avoid blood clot.

Recommended For

Recommend to all ages especially athletes, busy working groups, people staying up late, indulge in excess alcohol and those who dislike vegetable or patients. (Low blood pressure patients advice to consume after meal)

Suggested Serving

Take 1 teaspoon and mix with 200ml of warm water. Can be mix with oatmilk, soya milk, juices and other beverages. 

Storage Condition

Please keep in cool, dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.

Best Before

Products received are at least 10 months from expiry date due to the absence of artificial preservatives.

The benefits of Barley Grass.

Barley grass, at the time it is harvested to make juice, is about 45 percent protein. It has almost twice as much protein as an equivalent amount of wheat germ and about five times the minerals which accompany animal protein, in addition the protein in barley grass doesn't come burdened with fat.
Enzymes (barley grass is believed to contain up to 1,000 of them) are the necessary regulators of the body, without them our cells could not function and we would perish. Barley grass has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, thought to be a primary culprit in aging.
Barley grass also contains one of the most amazing nutrients, “chlorophyll “(liquid oxygenated sunshine), a natural detoxifier that rids the intestines of stored toxins.

Sure, you don't have to drink green grass juices to get chlorophyll; it is present in all dark green, leafy vegetables. But the question is “ how many servings of spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens, or turnip and beet tops, do you eat everyday?" Some people eat none…ever! And for those who do eat them regularly, there is, after all, a limit to the amount of spinach, kale and the likes someone can eat.
Getting chlorophyll by taking barley grass is as easy as mixing 1-2 tsp, two times a day, in water or you favourite juice. For those who want to spend even less time getting their essential nutrients, simply take barley grass capsules or tablets with a glass of water.
Importance of green foods:
The importance of green foods in our diet is now being validated scientifically. Dehydrated cereal grasses compare favourably with other greens in respect to both nutrients and cost. It is an excellent and convenient source of green food nutrients.
Green food nutrients support healthy blood and circulation. Iron, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B12, pyridoxine and protein are all vital for the formation and maintenance of adequate levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Chlorophyll may also be beneficial in these processes. In addition, chlorophyll, vitamin K, and calcium are all involved in blood clot formation and breakdown.
Users of barley grass have also found it useful as an aid in weight loss and good for the heart, healing of ulcers, correcting blood sugar problems and, most of all, as a general tonic.

The benefits of wheat grass.
There are numerous wheatgrass powder benefits known to man. Wheatgrass is known as Triticum AestivumIn botanical name.

It has many health and therapeutic values and it is sold in forms of live plant, juice, powder and tablets.

Wheatgrass powder is a natural product and it is produced and extracted by dehydrating the wheatgrass juice.

Nutritionists love this supplement because it is packed with healthy and nutritional compounds that are known to be of high value.

Estheticians and cosmetologists praise the supplement for its ability to enhance the skin’s beauty and slowing down its aging process through internal cleansing and detoxification.

Wheatgrass Powder Benefits for Your Body
Wheatgrass is a complete food source. It has just about all the nutrients necessary for your body.
Wheatgrass Nutrients Include:
Amino Acids
Vitamins in Wheatgrass Include:
Folic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Minerals in Wheatgrass Include:
And over 70 other trace minerals
Benefits of Wheatgrass from its Enzymes
Wheatgrass contains about 30 beneficial enzymes. Enzymes improve overallhealthy functions of your body.

Most enzymes are destroyed when we cook our food. Wheatgrass is uncooked so almost all of its enzymes are retained.

These enzymes are extremely beneficial in many different ways.
Benefits of Enzymes Include:
They improve digestion
They purify blood
They help with utilizing body fat for increased energy
They help combat colon problems
Amino Acids in Wheatgrass Include:
Aspartic Acid
Cystine 8
Glutamic Acid
Antioxidants & Protection from Free Radical Damage
Wheat grass greatly benefits as a powerful antioxidant, preventing damages caused by free radicals to the cells of your body.

There are large amounts of beta-carotene in wheatgrass which protect the cells from damages of free radicals.
Oxidation damages to the cells can cause many health problems including:
Heart disease
Muscular degeneration
Bowel inflammation
Becoming susceptible to colds and flu
Antioxidants help strengthen the body’s immune system as well as improving overall health and well being. They help reduce the risks of diseases.
Benefits of Powerful Antioxidants Include:
Blood purification and elimination of toxins
Help with acne and other skin problems
Improve the skin and collagen tissue
Promote healthy gums
Improve memory
Reduce allergies by controlling the release of histamine
Maintain health of the arteries and help lower fatty deposits
Help reduce varicose veins
Protect the cells on joints from Arthritis and Rheumatism
Reduce and eliminate fatigue
Restore fertility
Help with the health and proper functions of reproductive system
Promote youthful health
More Benefits of Wheatgrass Powder
Enhance Digestion
Wheatgrass has been documented to be very helpful with a smooth digestion process.

This is because the plant is known to cleanse the colon and restore acidity to healthy levels.

There is a certain balance between various bacteria groups in a healthy digestion system and if they become off balance, they put body in a state,susceptible to disease and health problems.

This is because certain good bacteria species need each other in order to thrive and maintain healthy growth.

When this balance is off, some bacteria will grow out of control and turn into a sort of parasite in the body.

Wheatgrass benefits the body by re-establishing and maintaining this much needed balance and once this restoration is complete, the harmful bacteria will find the living conditions unbearable and they start to die and are expelled from the body making a more ideal environment for the good bacteria to develop and thrive.
Red Blood Cells and White Corpuscles
Wheatgrass boosts the formation of red blood cells and white corpuscles.
PH Balance
As an alkaline food supplement it balances body’s PH, restoring favorable alkalinity.
Lowers Blood Pressure
It also dilates the blood pathways and reduces blood pressure.
Cleansing & Detoxification of Liver & Colon
Wheatgrass powder detoxifies liver, cleanses colon and removes toxins from your body.
Relief from Pain and Inflammation
By lowering and helping eliminate general inflammation, this amazing supplement causes significant relief from common body aches and painsrestoring the natural body’s ability to thrive and stay healthy.
Stimulation of Thyroid Glands and Metabolism
Wheatgrass stimulates the thyroid glands, therefore speeds up the metabolism.

This helps overcome obesity, indigestion, and other problems relating to slow metabolisms.
Helps with Digestion and Blood Related Problems
It also effectively fights against blood or digestion related problems such as:
Complaints pertaining to gastrointestinal tract
Slows Down Aging Process
The immune system is strengthened when the amino acids that are essential for growth are released into the body.
The cleansing system also intertwines with strengthening the immune system, getting rid of toxins that build up in the blood and hinder the immune system’s proper functions.
The plant is known to provide an abundant source of vitamins and ironessential for blood’s building blocks.
It rejuvenates the cells, helps with weight loss, gives you energy and increases your vigor and vitality, thus slowing down the aging process.
Beauty Benefits
Wheatgrass functions as an internal rejuvenating mechanism causing andenhancing an outward glow, and the beauty the body will naturally emit is the result of wheatgrass being taken regularly.

Probably the most hailed benefit of all is the ability of wheatgrass to cut back a few years from your looks.

Its ability to recharge dying cells and darken graying hair while having a youthful effect on your skin by firming it cannot be more emphasized.

The following are a few beauty results seen in people who consume wheatgrass powder supplements:
Resolves and Treats Skin Problems
Wheat grass powder offers solutions to many skin problems and helps with the youthful glow of your skin and its elasticity.
Applying a paste of wheatgrass powder with milk on a pad can treat acne and freckles.
It also is excellent for soothing and treating:
Minor cuts
Athlete's foot
Insect bites
Acne - The detoxification process of wheatgrass is said toreduce break outs of acne and thus promote healthy skin.
Reduces Gray Hair & Repairs Damages
A concoction of wheatgrass powder and normal shampoo will help inreconstructing damaged hair.
Wheatgrass helps repair damaged hair and it can help turn gray hair back to its natural color.
Dandruff & Scalp Treatment
You could use it on your scalp to remove dandruff and get relief from itchy scalp.
It is claimed that you get a brighter white of the eyes when you consume wheatgrass supplements regularly.
Varicose Veins
The possibility of developing varicose veins is greatly reduced with the intake of this supplement.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay can be an issue of the past when you take advantage of wheatgrass. Gums become tight and firm too.

In truth, people want to stay healthy, and look young for as long as possible.Wheatgrass powder benefits with this and has proven to be a powerfully effective supplement to help achieve these goals. Please see disclaimer for more information.

Sale price: RM69.00 per tin,exclude delivery cost
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