
What is Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina?

Product Description for Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina,100 tablets, 500gm

Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina,100 tablets, 500gmImagine a plant without leaves, seeds or flowers that grows by the hundreds in a single drop of water yet contains the richest concentration of nutrients known in any food, grain or herb on earth. Introducing Nature’s Richest Food ------ Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina.

What Is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a spiral shaped blue green microscopic fresh water plant that lives through photosynthesis, directly off sunlight and water. It is terms as blue green algae because of its colour pigment. The blue pigment is from a protein called Phycocyanin and the green pigment is from Chlorophyll, which is able to convert pure sunlight to healthful nutrients. Spirulina has been consumed by many native cultures as a highly valued natural food for centuries. In fact, it has been growing on earth for 3.5 billion years!

How Is It Grown?

Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is a superior strain of Spirulina, called Platensis, developed from a wide African parent-stock. Lifestream have exclusive rights to this pure and potent strain of Spirulina. It is grown in scientifically controlled ponds in the sunny Colorado Desert where air is pure and clean. This is a remote and natural environment miles from polluted cities with its pure mineral rich water source coming from snow and melt in the pristine Rocky Mountain. 

Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is grown without pesticides, herbicides, pollution, irradiation or contaminants under the strict ISO9001 and ISO14001 manufacturing standard.

What Is In It?

Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina contains a natural balance of over 100 nutrients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, proteins and all the essential amino acids. It has an incredibly rich spectrum of natural antioxidants, phytonutrients and co-factors including selenium, zinc, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, manganese, copper, methionine and contains high levels of natural vitamin E.

Furthermore, Spirulina is the world’s richest whole food source of iron, protein, Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Chlorophyll-a, Phycocyanin, Beta Carotene and other valuable carotenoids. Spirulina is highly absorbed by human body with an unmatched digestibility coefficient of 95.1% and has a full, natural range of enzymes and co-factor for maximum utilization. 

It is low in calories, contains virtually no saturated fat and is one of the only non-mucous, non-acidic forming, high protein food. It is this extraordinary nutritional profile and unique digestibility that has earned Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina the reputation of Nature’s Richest Food. 

Super Nutrition in Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina

Since its rediscovery, Spirulina has been proven to be one of the most powerful and well-balanced source of nutrition available. Scientists from US, Japan, China, Russia, India and other 40 countries have done many studies to unlock the potential of Spirulina. 

PHYCOCYANIN is the most powerful blue plant pigment in Spirulina. It is theorized as a powerful antioxidant and immune system booster, found only in Spirulina, forms soluble complexes with iron and other minerals, increasing their bioavailability in the body.

CHLOROPHYLL is a powerful dark green plant pigment in Spirulina, often has been referred to as “Green Blood” because it looks like the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. It has powerful cleansing and detoxifying properties, makes an excellent blood tonic and has a long history of being effective at deodorizing bad smells.

GAMMA LINOLENIC ACID (GLA) is an omega-6 fatty acid that is hard to come by in the diet. It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent with none of the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. It helps to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, dissolve fatty deposits in the blood vessels, promote healthy growth of skin, hair, and nails, relieve pain, inflammation and premenstrual syndrome, and enhance the release of sex hormones.

GLYCOGEN is a carbohydrate stored in the muscles and in the liver and is not ordinarily available through our diet. It is body’s principal source of both immediate and long term energy. The more glycogen available during intense or sustained exercise the greater the potential for improving energy, endurance and performance. Spirulina is the only plant source of glycogen.

PROTEIN and AMINO ACIDS are the building blocks of life, needed for the manufacture of hormones, antibodies, enzymes and tissues. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids that we need everyday and additional 10 non-essential amino acids. It contains 55% - 62% protein, with high biological value and virtually no saturated fat (unlike some animal derived protein source).

IRON’s main function is the production of hemoglobin and the oxygenation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional problem worldwide, especially amongst children, the elderly and women. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is an iron-rich food. The human body easily absorbs the iron from Spirulina because the Spirulina’s blue pigment, Phycocyanin, forms soluble complexes with iron and other beneficial nutrients during digestion making it more bio-available. Well-known problem associated with taking man-made iron can be constipation and intestinal pain. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina produces none of the side effect.

CAROTENOIDS are powerful plant-derived antioxidants. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina contains high level of 10 natural carotenoids including Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, which is important for eye health, quenching free radicals, reducing the risk of developing degenerative diseases i.e. heart disease, cancer, cataract, etc.

SUPER OXIDE DISMUTASE (SOD) is a powerful antioxidant enzyme that along with Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene forms the body defense system.

Who Is It Good For?

There are so many people who can benefit from Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina due to its incredible range of nutrients and easy absorption. Literally, thousands have reported a marked increase in energy, vitality and level of well being from taking Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina. 

• Those feeling exhausted or lacking in energy

• Those feeling generally run down

• Busy mothers and their growing children or teenagers

• Those leading stressful lifestyles or working long hours

• People who tend to skip meals or not eat enough green vegetables

• People who are iron deficient

• Pregnant or breastfeeding women

• Shift-workers suffering from erratic sleep patterns

• Sports & fitness enthusiasts

• The elderly

• People who get minor illnesses often e.g. colds and flus

• Health conscious people.

Natural Vs. Synthetic (Man-Made)

When it comes to dynamic nutrition, there is no question we are meant to get our vitamins and minerals through our food – particularly plant food where nutrients co-exist with natural enzymes in the perfect balance for our bodies to easily use them. 

Do you eat synthetic food? ….Then why take synthetic vitamins? 

As you aware that virtually all vitamin formulas sold today are predominantly synthetic? This means the nutrients in them are man-made in a laboratory rather than growing naturally or coming from a natural source. Synthetic supplements, prepared from chemicals instead of nature, are frequently less active biologically than their natural counterparts, thereby reducing any beneficial effect they may have.

It has always been accepted that it is wisest and safest to take vitamins and minerals in the form of natural foods where they occur in their natural form and strength and also, in combination with all of the other nutritive factors such as enzymes and trace elements, for optimum assimilation and biological activity. Many studies have shown that the nutrients in whole food like Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina are better recognized, metabolized, absorbed and retained in the body than their synthetic counterparts.

We believed Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is the finest quality Spirulina available anywhere in the world. These are our reasons:

• Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina uses a unique and superior strain unlike any other spirulina. Developed from a wild African parent-stock called “Platensis”, Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina has exclusive rights to this pure and potent strain.

• Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is certified organic by Agriquality NZ and organically grown in accordance with the California Organic Food Act of 1990.

• Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is organically grown in scientifically controlled ponds in the sunny Colorado Desert where the air is pure and clean. This is a remote and natural environment miles from populated cities. Spirulina is grown in the mineral rich water coming from snow and melt in the pristine Rocky Mountains. Because it is organically grown, it is fee of ocean-based contaminants. 

• Laboratories test Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina for any environmental residues of pesticides, herbicides, irradiation and contaminants. None have ever been detected. Most importantly, this testing is carried out after harvesting. 

• Our pristine manufacturing exceeds all international food safety and quality standard. Lifestream Bioactive Organic Spirulina is grown to ISO9001 and ISO14001 manufacturing standard. Using superior Spray Drying technology, direct from the pond, it is dried in a few seconds at natural sun temperature and processed within fifteen minutes of harvest. Our spirulina has very high level of heat-sensitive Phycocyanin and enzymes, attesting to the gentle drying process.

• After seven years of research in Spirulina tablet pressing technology, we have perfected COLDCOMTM, a quick and unique compression that produces very small batches of adulterated, premium spirulina tablet with the minimum processing. Our unique process gives a full retention of nutrients potency for maximum assimilation.

• Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is protected from oxidation. Immediately after our bottling process, we fill all the available airspace in every container with pure, inert nitrogen – by hand. This protects the Spirulina so it does not oxidize and ensures the living enzymes and nutrients are not damaged or compromised. 

• Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is guaranteed 100% vegetarian / vegan. A sad and little known fact in our industry: the standard magnesium stearate that is added to many tablets is usually derived from overseas animal source – mainly cows or animal residues. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina uses only pure natural vegetarian magnesium state.

Lifestream has pioneer Spirulina since 1981 and is the original, best selling and most trusted Spirulina in Australasia. We stand by our Spirulina from the farm to you. 

Method of Consumption:

Tablets: Take 2 - 4 tablets daily with meal. Can be taken all at once or with each meal. 

Powder: 1/2 teaspoon of powder with water or juices daily. Taken with meal.

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in and around water all over the world. Usually harvested from freshwater lakes, it is most commonly sold in a powdered form from health food stores. It has been heralded for many years as a ‘superfood’, and it seems with good reason.

There are many nutritional benefits to the algae, and it has the added bonus of being concentrated into capsule form that can be swallowed as easily as a multivitamin. Algae is the most basic form of life and is at the lowest rung on the marine food ladder, which is why it is packed full of nutrition.

Great Protein Source

Spirulina is comprised of 60% vegetable protein, which is great news for vegetarians and vegans who sometimes need to take protein supplements in place of the meat they do not eat. Spirulina is very easy to digest as well, which makes it ideal for older people who have a more delicate constitution. It's also great for young children who require more nutrition as they grow.

Eases PMS

Spirulina contains a high amount of Gamma-linolenic acid, sometimes referred to as GLA. GLA has been known to be of particular benefit to women, and is found in other more commonly known items such as evening primrose oil and black currants. GLA is also present in mother’s milk, and can ease the symptoms of PMS, as well as improve the quality of the skin.

Anti-Cancer Nutrient

The algae is one of the richest known sources of beta carotene, which is a potent antioxidant that may help in protecting against the onset of cancer and other diseases. It is also converted in the body to vitamin A, which is essential for healthy eyes. The most well known source of beta carotene is probably the carrot, but spirulina contains up to 10 times the itamin A concentration of carrots.

Immune System Fortifier

Users of spirulina have for years been extolling the virtues of the algae and its ability to strengthen the immune system. It actively promotes the regeneration of new blood cells in the body, meaning that wounds heal quicker and illnesses are recovered from more rapidly. It is a tonic to the system and gives a feeling of energy, vitality and well-being to those who take it regularly, and they don’t seem to fall victim to the more chronic symptoms of colds, flus and some diseases.

Improves Digestion

It has been scientifically proven that spirulina improves the entire digestive process, easing the passage of waste through the system. It is excellent at promoting heathy bacteria in the gut and can drastically boost the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. It has been tested in severely malnourished children in some parts of Africa, and they have shown remarkable improvement in health and weight gain.

Spirulina is a complete food that is a concentrated powerhouse of nutrients that can benefit the body and promote good health. It contains vitamin, minerals and amino acids in a completely natural form.

Sale price: RM68.00 per bottle ,exclude delivery cost
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