
What is Lifestream Supa Greens?

Lifestream Supa Greens, 100 vegetarian capsules,450mg

Product Description for Lifestream Supa Greens, 100 vegetarian capsules,450mg

Lifestream Supa Greens is a unique formula of combining 3 wonderful natural green products into 1. These greens are Spirulina, Chlorella and Barley Grass.

(1) Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina 
It contains a natural balance of over 100 nutrients including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, proteins and all the essential amino acids. It has an incredibly rich spectrum of natural antioxidants, phytonutrients and co-factors including selenium, zinc, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, manganese, copper, methionine and contains high levels of natural vitamin E.

Furthermore, Spirulina is the world’s richest whole food source of iron, protein, Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), Chlorophyll-a, Phycocyanin, Beta Carotene and other valuable carotenoids. Spirulina is highly absorbed by human body with an unmatched digestibility coefficient of 95.1% and has a full, natural range of enzymes and co-factor for maximum utilization. 

It is low in calories, contains virtually no saturated fat and is one of the only non-mucous, non-acidic forming, high protein food. It is this extraordinary nutritional profile and unique digestibility that has earned Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina the reputation of Nature’s Richest Food. 

PHYCOCYANIN is the most powerful blue plant pigment in Spirulina. It is theorized as a powerful antioxidant and immune system booster, found only in Spirulina, forms soluble complexes with iron and other minerals, increasing their bioavailability in the body.

CHLOROPHYLL is a powerful dark green plant pigment in Spirulina, often has been referred to as “Green Blood” because it looks like the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. It has powerful cleansing and detoxifying properties, makes an excellent blood tonic and has a long history of being effective at deodorizing bad smells.

GAMMA LINOLENIC ACID (GLA) is an omega-6 fatty acid that is hard to come by in the diet. It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent with none of the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. It helps to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, dissolve fatty deposits in the blood vessels, promote healthy growth of skin, hair, and nails, relieve pain, inflammation and premenstrual syndrome, and enhance the release of sex hormones.

GLYCOGEN is a carbohydrate stored in the muscles and in the liver and is not ordinarily available through our diet. It is body’s principal source of both immediate and long term energy. The more glycogen available during intense or sustained exercise the greater the potential for improving energy, endurance and performance. Spirulina is the only plant source of glycogen.

PROTEIN and AMINO ACIDS are the building blocks of life, needed for the manufacture of hormones, antibodies, enzymes and tissues. Lifestream Bioactive Organic Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids that we need everyday and additional 10 non-essential amino acids. It contains 55% - 62% protein, with high biological value and virtually no saturated fat (unlike some animal derived protein source).

IRON’s main function is the production of hemoglobin and the oxygenation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional problem worldwide, especially amongst children, the elderly and women. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina is an iron-rich food. The human body easily absorbs the iron from Spirulina because the Spirulina’s blue pigment, Phycocyanin, forms soluble complexes with iron and other beneficial nutrients during digestion making it more bio-available. Well-known problem associated with taking man-made iron can be constipation and intestinal pain. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina produces none of the side effect.

CAROTENOIDS are powerful plant-derived antioxidants. Lifestream Bioactive Spirulina contains high level of 10 natural carotenoids including Beta-Carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, which is important for eye health, quenching free radicals, reducing the risk of developing degenerative diseases i.e. heart disease, cancer, cataract, etc.

SUPER OXIDE DISMUTASE (SOD) is a powerful antioxidant enzyme that along with Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene forms the body defense system.

(2) Lifestream Chlorella
Although it is relatively unknown, Chlorella is extensively used and in fact it is the No. 1 selling health food sold in Japan. It is estimated that over 10 million people around the world take Chlorella. 

Chlorella is a unique single-celled fresh water green algae. Being a whole food, Chlorella contains a balance of nutrients and co-factors beneficial to overall restoration and maintenance of health. Chlorella contains a high concentration of chlorophyll, Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), nucleic acids, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It is the most researched “green food”, with the result that it has the greatest numbers of published reports on numerous health benefits, including improved immunity function and detoxification of harmful toxins. 

In Japan, interest in chlorella has largely focused on its detoxifying ability to neutralise or remove poisonous substances from the body. The powerful detoxification capability of Chlorella is due to its unique “cracked” cell wall. Chlorella’s “cracked” cell wall has the ability to bind with heavy metals, pesticides and toxins and carry these substances safely out of the body.

Several experiments have shown that Chlorella:
• Cleanses the liver of toxins, heavy metals and unwanted substances.
• Stimulates a protective effect on the liver from toxic injury, as shown by its resistance to damage by toxins. 
• Strengthens the functions of the liver to filter and remove toxins and unwanted substances.
• Aids the body in breaking down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead. It has the unique property of picking up toxins from the surroundings and holding onto them, as shown by numerous research findings in the US and Europe.
• Increases the liver’s ability to remove fungi, bacteria and poisons from the blood.
• Nourishes the liver with the proper nutrients it requires.

Lifestream Chlorella also has the ability to cleanse the stagnant blood and ensure that the metabolic waste and toxins are effectively carried away from the tissues and out from the body. Because Chlorella’s molecules closely resemble red blood cell molecules, Chlorella is capable of stimulating the production of red blood cells.

Lifestream Chlorella helps to cleanse our liver and blood of waste deposits and toxins, so we are not running with a dirty engine or driving with the brakes on. After the detoxification and cleansing, our body starts rebalancing and rejuvenating: energy level physically and psychologically rises, mental clarity is enhanced and focused, skin becomes clearer and more vibrant, texture and complexion is improved, and creativity begins to expand.

(3) Lifestream Organic Barley Grass
The body’s acid-alkaline balance is very important to our overall health. This balance is often overlooked when health problems are addressed. The human body is perpetually in a changing state between acid and alkaline and is continually working to maintain an ideal pH level of between 7.3 and 7.4. Lifestream Barley Grass helps this process. 

To optimize our health and well being, the ideal balance of food and food residue in the body is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Lifestream Barley Grass is full of natural ionic minerals that help to keep the acid-alkaline balance in check. 

Lifestream Barley Grass imparts an alkaline residue once digested and can help to nourish and balance your system. Lifestream Barley Grass is gluten free and can be used by celiac (people allergic to gluten or wheat products). The many enzymes present such as cytochrome oxidase, lipase, protease and amylase support good healthy digestive function and intestinal flora. Lifestream Barley Grass is non allergenic and is excellent for a wide variety of conditions as it contains no animal or dairy products or synthetic additives.

Lifestream Barley Grass helps in
• Balancing, neutralizing and nourishing to the body
• Highly alkalizing- reduces acidity in the body
• High in natural colloidal ionic minerals
• Great for those on restricted diets
• Beneficial to people with weakened digestive systems

Sale price: RM91.80 per box ,exclude delivery cost
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