
What is Health Paradise Natural Brewer Yeast?

Product Description for Health Paradise Natural Brewer Yeast,100g
Health Paradise Natural Brewer Yeast,100g

Brewers' yeast has been used traditionally for centuries for the purpose of brewing beer and some winemaking. But although the product has been used for centuries, many are not aware of the remarkable health benefits imparted by brewers' yeast, which have earned it the suitable moniker of 'nature's wonder food',

Many people in the health community or those seeking a healthier diet with an abundance of nutritional element are turning to brewers' yeast as a daily addition. Because it is also low in fat, sodium, calories, and carbohydrates, it is also beneficial for those with diabetes and hypoglycemics.

Brewers' yeast is a natural source of Vitamin B complex and highly concentrated amounts of protein, as well as a wonderful spectrum of other healthy vitamins and minerals.

Brewers' yeast is usually recovered as a by-product of the brewing process, absorbing the chemicals, vitamins and nutrients from the other ingredients utilized in brewing beer, mainly grain, malt and hops. The resulting product, though quite healthy, is usually quite bitter. Many brands of brewers' yeast are labeled as debittered, but this process, which makes the yeast more flavorful, can also serve to remove some of the nutritional content.

A high nucleic acid count, a valuable commodity in regards to cell development, is present in brewers' yeast, as well as ample amounts of folic acid, potassium, thiamin, niacin, chromium (needed for the body to produce insulin), and much more.

The simplest way to add brewers' yeast to your daily diet is to add a tablespoon to fruit juice and drink it, but it can also be added to meals such as meat loaf, salads, casseroles, cereal, soup, and other foods. If possible, add the yeast at the end of the cooking process, or the vitamin B complex will be destroyed.

Consumption of brewers' yeast is also attributed to several health benefits, such as reduced stress, better metabolism and lower cholesterol. It can also help provide restful slumber and ease fatigue.

Brewers yeast can usually be found in health food and nutrition stores in both pure form and debittered, though remember, the debittered yeast will not have all the valuable vitamins and nutrients of pure brewers' yeast, and will most likely be absent of chromium. Brewer’s Yeast Benefits Ads by Google If you want to learn more about health benefits of brewer’s yeast, you’re in the right place. But before we talk about health benefits, what is brewer’s yeast in the first place? Brewer’s yeast is made from fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is used to make beer and nutritional supplements. It’s a very rich source of nutrients including minerals such as chromium and vitamins such as B vitamins. Moreover, even though it’s low in calories, it contains a lot of protein – the most important building block of the body. Brewer’s yeast is a popular supplement. Why is that so? Keep reading to find out the answer… Nutritional value of brewer’s yeast is the most important reason why so many people take in on a daily basis as a supplement. How does it work specifically? Here are the most important benefits of brewer’s yeast. 1. Benefits of B vitamins If you are constantly tired, your diet might be lacking in B vitamins which are responsible for the production of energy. Brewer’s yeast is rich in B vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin) and B9 (folic acid). Contrary to what some people believe, brewer’s yeast doesn’t contain vitamin B12 so if you’re a vegan, taking brewer’s yeast is NOT a good idea if you want to supplement vitamin B12 (unless you take vitamin B12 enriched brewer’s yeast). Back to B vitamins – B vitamins are not only responsible for the production of energy (so lack of them may result in fatigue). They are also necessary to maintain healthy skin and hair, enhance immune function and promote cell growth and division. Keep in mind that most people who eat healthy get enough B vitamins in their diets. Brewer’s yeast is particularly beneficial for people who need more B vitamins and/or can’t get enough B vitamins from their diet such as the elderly, athletes, pregnant women and vegans. 2. Beneficial for diabetes Chromium found in brewer’s yeast may help people with diabetes to control blood sugar levels. Chromium lowers blood sugar levels and improves glucose tolerance. Taking brewer’s yeast if you don’t have diabetes is also beneficial because it lowers the risk of developing this dangerous condition. A study published in the “Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology” shows that patients with type 2 diabetes who were taking daily doses of 9 g of brewer’s yeast with chromium observed lowered blood glucose levels and reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Patients who were taking brewer’s yeast without chromium didn’t observe these effects. Remember to buy brewer’s yeast with chromium (it’s sometimes sold without chromium which is removed during debittering)! 3. Helps improve cholesterol levels High levels of cholesterol have been linked to damage to arteries and cardiovascular disease. That’s why it’s so important to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range. As mentioned before, taking brewer’s yeast (and more specifically chromium found in it) may help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels (the “bad” cholesterol). Some studies also show that brewer’s yeast may improve HDL cholesterol levels. 4. May indirectly facilitate weight loss Weight loss doesn’t happen when you take a pill. However, when you’re on a diet, it’s harder to get all essential nutrients from your diet. That’s when taking supplements may be a particularly good idea, especially when you feel sluggish and tired (it’s harder to exercise if you suffer from lack of B vitamins). And again – don’t believe people who say that taking brewer’s yeast will make you lose weight. It won’t happen. It may only AID in weight loss IF you’re already on a diet. 5. Improved skin health Since brewer’s yeast is rich in B vitamins, it may improve your skin health (if you don’t get enough B vitamins from your diet). Moreover, at least one study suggests that taking brewer’s yeast may improve acne. 6. It’s rich in protein An ounce of brewer’s yeast contains approximately 10 to 15 grams of protein. Protein is a building block of the body extremely important for numerous functions in the body. If you’re a bodybuilder or an athlete, you have higher protein requirements. Taking brewer’s yeast will help you get enough protein from your diet. 7. It contains high amounts of other essential minerals Brewer’s yeast is rich in selenium, copper and potassium, all of which are essential for our bodies and all of which are antioxidants which protect your body against free radicals and lower the risk of developing numerous dangerous health conditions such as heart disease or some types of cancer. An ounce of brewer’s yeast provides about 85% of recommended daily intake of selenium, 47% of recommended daily intake of copper and 17% of recommended daily intake of potassium.

Sale price: RM16.90 per package,exclude delivery cost
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