
What is Melrose Organic Clean Green Barley Grass Powder?

Product Description for Melrose Organic Clean Green Barley Grass Powder,200g
Melrose Organic Clean Green Barley Grass Powder,200gMelrose Organic Clean Green Barley Grass and Wheat Grass powders are wholesome green foods made from the powdered dehydrated leaves of organically grown young barley plants (Hordeum vulgare) and organically grown young wheat plants (Triticum aestivum).
The bright green colour reflects the abundance of chlorophyll, a source of magnesium. Chlorophyll is sensitive to light - our answer is to use light opaque containers to prevent photon oxidation.
Not all barley and wheat grass leaves are harvested at their nutritional peak. Since 1935 scientists have known that the highest concentrations of nutrients are present for just a few critical days. By the time the young sprout reaches its nutritional peak it is between 6 and 8 inches tall. It then forms a joint that goes on to form the stalk of the grain.
At harvest, only the top 10 centimetres of the grass are harvested because this section has the richest content of nutrients. Harvest occurs just prior to jointing. Once jointing occurs, the nutritional level in the leaves begins to drop as the shoot's nutrients are used in the growth and development of the head of the grain. After low temperature warm air drying, the grass is powdered in a special air mill at room temperature.

What are the benefits of taking Barley Grass or Wheat Grass?

Barley and Wheat grass powders are a concentrated source of vegetable greens, essential to life. Chlorophyll, for natural cleansing of the blood and support to the immune system, and Beta Carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A, are present in highly significant quantities. Barley and Wheat Grass powders are alkaline foods. Alkaline foods keep the body from losing bone calcium.
Barley and Wheat grass contain significant levels of anti-oxidants. We have known of the presence of the antioxidant superoxide dis-mutase, but the presence of Vitamin E Succinate an analogue of alpha-tocopherol, and an even more powerful anti-oxidant," 2"-O-glycosyl isovitexin, which is an isoflavonoid have been reported. Although isoflaonoids are potential therapeutic "anti-estrogens", they have significant antioxidant value as well.
Barley and Wheat grass are a valuable source of folates and folic acid, an essential B Vitamin, to help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida.
Barley and Wheat grass contain significant levels of Omega-3 alpha linolenic fatty acid. About 70% of the fat present in Barley and Wheat grass is Omega-3. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid necessary for brain development and visual acuity.

What is the difference between Barley Grass and Wheat grass?

In general, the composition of the cereal grasses is the same. Barley and wheat grown in the same field will have the same analysis.

I have a wheat and gluten intolerance can I still take it?

Contrary to popular opinion, Clean Green™ Barley and Wheat Grass do not contain gluten. This means they are safe for those who have gluten allergies.


  • 1 Teaspoon in juice or water daily.
  • 6 tablets daily
Barley grass, at the time it is harvested to make juice, is about 45 percent protein. It has almost twice as much protein as an equivalent amount of wheat germ and about five times the minerals which accompany animal protein, in addition the protein in barley grass doesn't come burdened with fat. Enzymes (barley grass is believed to contain up to 1,000 of them) are the necessary regulators of the body, without them our cells could not function and we would perish. Barley grass has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, thought to be a primary culprit in aging. Barley grass also contains one of the most amazing nutrients, “chlorophyll “(liquid oxygenated sunshine), a natural detoxifier that rids the intestines of stored toxins. Sure, you don't have to drink green grass juices to get chlorophyll; it is present in all dark green, leafy vegetables. But the question is “ how many servings of spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens, or turnip and beet tops, do you eat everyday?" Some people eat none…ever! And for those who do eat them regularly, there is, after all, a limit to the amount of spinach, kale and the likes someone can eat. Getting chlorophyll by taking barley grass is as easy as mixing 1-2 tsp, two times a day, in water or you favourite juice. For those who want to spend even less time getting their essential nutrients, simply take barley grass capsules or tablets with a glass of water. Importance of green foods: The importance of green foods in our diet is now being validated scientifically. Dehydrated cereal grasses compare favourably with other greens in respect to both nutrients and cost. It is an excellent and convenient source of green food nutrients. Green food nutrients support healthy blood and circulation. Iron, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B12, pyridoxine and protein are all vital for the formation and maintenance of adequate levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Chlorophyll may also be beneficial in these processes. In addition, chlorophyll, vitamin K, and calcium are all involved in blood clot formation and breakdown. Users of barley grass have also found it useful as an aid in weight loss and good for the heart, healing of ulcers, correcting blood sugar problems and, most of all, as a general tonic. 

Sale price: RM98.00 per bottle, exclude delivery cost
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