
What is Organic Low Salt Soy Sauce?

Product Description for Organic Low Salt Soy Sauce, 210ml

Organic Low Salt Soy Sauce, 210mlFeature available to Store Members

Soy sauce finds its origin in China and dates back to some 2,500 years. The use of this sauce spread gradually from China to East and Southeast Asia. It came into Japan in the 7th century and came to be known as shoyu. Soy sauce is made by fermenting soy beans, along with the molds Aspergillus soyae and Aspergillus oryzae, with a combination of water, salt and roasted grain. Today, Japan is the largest commercial producer of soy sauce. Read on to find the details of health benefits associated with consuming soy sauce.

Health Benefits Of Soy Sauce :
1.Soy sauce is rich in sodium content, which can act as a substitute for salt in your food. You can have a small amount of soy sauce to fill in for the salt content.

2.Some varieties of soy sauce have relatively less sodium content. You can use them instead of adding too much salt in your food.

3.Soy sauce blends well with all the spices, to give a great flavor.

4.Soy sauce has good amount of niacin, protein and manganese, which are necessary components for good health.

5.According to some studies, soy sauce can reduce cholesterol and LDL cholesterol level, if taken in right amount.

6.Soy sauce contains 10 times as many antioxidants as present in the red wine and thus, can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

7.Consumption of soy sauce can help in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

8.Some studies have shown that soy sauce can help reduce weight. However, there are conflicting opinions regarding this.

9.Soy sauce is also known to cure diarrhea effectively.


1.Soy sauce contains 17-19% of salt content. People with complains of high blood pressure should avoid soy sauce, for its high content of sodium. Even normal people should consume soy sauce in moderation. It is better to go for the low-sodium varieties of soy sauce.

2.Soy sauce does not have the beneficial isoflavones, which are present in other soy products like edamame or tofu.

3.Consuming soy sauce can cause certain allergic reactions in some people. Many of the varieties of soy sauce contain wheat, which can cause celiac disease or glutten intolerance in people allergic to wheat. The allergic reactions can be in the form of itching, skin rash, eczema or hives. 

Cooking Tips:
1.You can use soya sauce for seasoning as well as sautéing vegetables.
2.You can use a combination of soy sauce, ginger and garlic to marinade tempeh, chicken or baked tofu.
3.Place a container of soy sauce on your dinner table and use it as the substitute for salt.

Sale price: RM18.90 per bottle, exclude delivery cost
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