
What is Marinated Burdock Slices?

Product Description for Marinated Burdock Slices, 240g
Marinated Burdock Slices, 240g

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Burdock root nutrition facts

Burdock root is a taproot of greater burdock plant, used as a vegetable and medicinal herb. The plant is a short biennial, which believed to be native to Northern Europe and Siberia. In Japan, popular as gobo, it is cultivated as a major root herb since ancient times. However, burdock grows as a wild, easy growing hardy plant almost in any parts of the planet.

Botanically, burdock belongs to the family of Asteraceae; of the genus of Arctium and known scientifically as Arctium lappa.

Greater burdock plant grows to about a meter in height. It features broad heart-shaped coarse leaves as in rhubarb that is deep green on the top and light green on the underside. In summer, thick hairy stems, about 5 feet in height, bear reddish purple tubular flowers, which consequently turn into seed-heads or burrs with hooked spines. The deep taproots which may measure about 2-3 feet long are slender, shaped like carrot and parsnip, are brown with white flesh.

Of the four species of Arctium, only greater burdock (A. lappa) and lesser burdock (A. minus) are cultivated for their herbal parts. In general, the roots are unearthed in the fall, slow dried and stored for use in winter. The burdock root has the flavor that resembles the sweet taste of jerusalem artichokes or parsnips, has a crispy texture with gummy consistency.

Almost all the parts of the plant are being used either for culinary purpose or as a curative remedy for certain medical conditions.

Burdock root health benefits

Burdock roots, young shoots, peeled stalks, and dried seeds contain numerous compounds that are known to have been anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.

The root is very low in calories; provide about 72 calories per 100 g. Burdock is a good source of non-starch polysaccharides such as inulin, glucoside-lappin, mucilage, etc., that help act as a laxative. Additionally, inulin acts as prebiotic and helps reduce blood-sugar level, weight and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Burdock root is especially containing good amounts of electrolyte potassium (308 mg or 6.5% of daily-required levels per 100 g root) and low in sodium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

This herb root contains small quantities of many vital vitamins, including folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, vitamin-E, and vitamin-C that is essential for optimum health. Both vitamin C and E are powerful natural antioxidants help the human body stave off infections, cancer and neurologic conditions.

Furthermore, it also contains some valuable minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium; and small amounts of zinc, calcium, selenium, and phosphorus.

Medicinal uses

Just like its fellow Asterceae family member dandelion, almost all the parts of burdock herb too found a place in various traditional as well modern medicines.

Burdock has been used in many folk remedies as one of the best blood purifiers. It contains certain diuretic principles, which help expel toxic products from the blood through urine.

The herb is employed in the treatment of skin problems such as eczema (dermatitis), psoriasis, skin dryness...etc. The plant parts have been used as an herbal remedy for liver and gall bladder complaints.

Effusion of burdock seeds has been used for throat and chest ailments.

Burdock leaves and stems, in addition to their use as a vegetable, have appetite stimulant and are a good remedy for dyspeptic complaints.

Sale price: RM9.50 per bottle, exclude delivery cost
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